Shop - JoClub Mon, 24 Jul 2023 07:53:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shop - JoClub 32 32 21 Prompts For Couples & Closeness Fri, 10 Feb 2023 15:47:46 +0000

Journaling is way more fun if you have a partner in crime to share thoughts with, which is why we made the first ever "prompt pack for couples." We've also had our fair share of long-distance relationships and wanted to make something special for lovers who want closeness despite the screens standing in-between. Whether you're snuggled up next to each other, or have candles lit by your computers for a Zoom date, this prompt pack will uncover even more lovable qualities of you and your partner.

We’ve curated 21 prompts for a bonding experience unlike any other! Grab your partner, and journal for a three week journey of connecting on a deeper level as a couple.

Recommended use:

  • Get the prompt pack
  • Journal at the same time with vibey music for a shared experience (we send you a playlist)
  • Discuss your entries daily, giving each other space to share equally
  • Complete the prompt pack in 21 days or less for a three week journey

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We love love here at JoClub, and this prompt pack is something special made for lovers to celebrate, you guessed it, their love.

We’ve curated 21 prompts for a bonding experience unlike any other! Grab your partner, and journal for a three week journey of connecting on a deeper level as a couple.

This prompt pack is perfect for long distance couples who want to feel close to one another regardless of borders, time- zones and oceans. It’s also great for the couple who hangs out all the time but wants mental intimacy. Each prompt is an opportunity to uncover something new about your partner, something even more lovable. Plus, there’s nothing more romantic than writing to one another like couples pre-the internet. We’re taking it old school with this one.

Grab your thoughts, your open hearts, and get ready to peel back the layers of your love.

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End of the Year Reflection Prompt Pack Tue, 20 Dec 2022 21:35:08 +0000 Welcome to the 2022 end of year recap prompt pack. You’re in for a treat and will relive your greatest highlights. We’re honored we get to guide you through it all. Here’s a tip: when writing your responses, think of your future self, and how proud they are of the fact you’re even taking time to write these memories down. You’ll never be as young and spritely as you are now, and that’s worth capturing. When you make space for your mind, clarity rewards you with more great things. Grab a journal and fancy pen, and let’s get to work. Happy New Year!

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Welcome to the 2022 end of year recap prompt pack. You’re in for a treat and will relive your greatest highlights. We’re honored we get to guide you through it all. Here’s a tip: when writing your responses, think of your future self, and how proud they are of the fact you’re even taking time to write these memories down. You’ll never be as young and spritely as you are now, and that’s worth capturing. When you make space for your mind, clarity rewards you with more great things. Grab a journal and fancy pen, and let’s get to work. Happy New Year!

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Practicing Gratitude 21 Day Prompt Pack Tue, 22 Nov 2022 17:59:32 +0000 There is scientific evidence that being grateful improves sleep, increases physical health, and boosts self-esteem, sounds like an *hell yeah.* Since health is wealth, we’re going to embark on a 21 day journey of being thankful together. Some might even say this prompt pack will give you the gratitude glow.

On this 21 day journey, these 21 prompts will help you reflect on your gratitude practice and learn to speak its language. You'll also start noticing the invisible world of goodness living right in front of your eyes, and understand how to better integrate it in your routine. Gratitude is the attitude!

The prompt pack includes:

  • an introduction section
  • 21 handpicked prompts on the theme of learning to learn
  • 7 questions about “noticing gratitude”
  • 7 questions about “living gratitude”
  • 7 questions about “offering gratitude”
  • a review section once the prompts are completed
  • a playlist to put you in the journaling mood
  • + each prompt includes a provocative “food for thought” paragraph to get your mind going

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There is scientific evidence that being grateful improves sleep, increases physical health, and boosts self-esteem, sounds like an *hell yeah.* Since health is wealth, we’re going to embark on a 21 day journey of being thankful together. Some might even say this prompt pack will give you the gratitude glow.

On this 21 day journey, these 21 prompts will help you reflect on your gratitude practice and learn to speak its language. You’ll also start noticing the invisible world of goodness living right in front of your eyes, and understand how to better integrate it in your routine. Gratitude is the attitude!

The prompt pack includes:

  • an introduction section
  • 21 handpicked prompts on the theme of learning to learn
  • 7 questions about “noticing gratitude”
  • 7 questions about “living gratitude”
  • 7 questions about “offering gratitude”
  • a review section once the prompts are completed
  • a playlist to put you in the journaling mood
  • + each prompt includes a provocative “food for thought” paragraph to get your mind going

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Self-exploration 21 Day Prompt Pack Mon, 21 Nov 2022 16:37:48 +0000 While the traditional definition of exploration might mean going to some far away land with a hiking stick and binoculars, we like to look at it as seeing the world you’ve been living in with fresh eyes. This prompt pack will help you explore yourself, your surroundings, and those sneaky little thoughts that are begging to be heard.


The prompt pack includes:

  • an introduction section
  • 21 handpicked prompts in the theme of self-exploration
  • 7 questions about “looking inside”
  • 7 questions about “looking around”
  • 7 questions about “looking ahead”
  • a review section once the prompts are completed
  • a playlist to put you in the journaling mood
  • + each prompt includes a provocative “food for thought” paragraph to get your mind going


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While the traditional definition of exploration might mean going to some far away land with a hiking stick and binoculars, we like to look at it as seeing the world you’ve been living in with fresh eyes. This prompt pack will help you explore yourself, your surroundings, and those sneaky little thoughts that are begging to be heard.

The prompt pack includes:

  • an introduction section
  • 21 handpicked prompts in the theme of self-exploration
  • 7 questions about “looking inside”
  • 7 questions about “looking around”
  • 7 questions about “looking ahead”
  • a review section once the prompts are completed
  • a playlist to put you in the journaling mood
  • + each prompt includes a provocative “food for thought” paragraph to get your mind going


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Motivation Prompt Pack Sat, 27 Nov 2021 15:53:06 +0000
This prompt pack is the go-to “get out of bed with a pep in your step” guide. The 36 prompts are designed to get to the root of your motivation, learn how to cultivate it when things feel a little slow.

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This prompt pack is the go-to “get out of bed with a pep in your step” guide. The 36 prompts are designed to get to the root of your motivation, learn how to cultivate it when things feel a little slow.

36 handpicked prompts in the theme of motivation.
17 questions about your “why”
7 questions to get you out of your head
12 questions to give you an extra push
A review section once the prompts are completed
A game plan section to create your motivational road map
Each prompt includes a provocative “food for thought” paragraph to get your mind going

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Love & Relationships Prompt Pack Sat, 27 Nov 2021 15:49:31 +0000
This prompt pack has 36 carefully crafted prompts to encourage you to reflect on matters of the heart, and connections to others and yourself. Prompts are timeless and reusable whenever clarity is needed on love. Includes prompts on romance, friendship, family, self-love, and a review section.

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This prompt pack has 36 carefully crafted prompts to encourage you to reflect on matters of the heart, and connections to others and yourself. Prompts are timeless and reusable whenever clarity is needed on love. Includes prompts on romance, friendship, family, self-love, and a review section.

The book contains an introduction section
36 handpicked prompts in the theme of love and relationships
12 questions on romantic love
8 questions about friendship
6 questions about family dynamics
9 questions about self-love
A review section once the prompts are completed
Each prompt includes a provocative “food for thought” paragraph to get your mind going

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Self Awareness Prompt Pack Sat, 27 Nov 2021 15:43:17 +0000 This prompt pack is a guide to getting you to separate you from your thoughts and feeling. We are not our nagging insecurities, or fears of the future – we’re merely the conscious getting to experience all of it. The 36 prompts in the guide are designed to help you unlock the “real you,” and will get you to discover things that may have gone unnoticed.

The book contains an introduction section
36 handpicked prompts in the theme of self-awareness
12 questions about your “roots”
10 questions about your “wings”
6 questions to keep you balanced
8 questions about self-love
A review section once the prompts are completed

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This prompt pack is a guide to getting you to separate you from your thoughts and feeling. We are not our nagging insecurities, or fears of the future – we’re merely the conscious getting to experience all of it. The 36 prompts in the guide are designed to help you unlock the “real you,” and will get you to discover things that may have gone unnoticed.

The book contains an introduction section
36 handpicked prompts in the theme of self-awareness
12 questions about your “roots”
10 questions about your “wings”
6 questions to keep you balanced
8 questions about self-love
A review section once the prompts are completed

** This pack is included in the 21 day Self Awareness Challenge

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